Philippine Association for Language Teaching, Inc.
An affiliate of the Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) and the Pan-Asian Consortium of Language Teaching Societies (PAC)
Founded in 1960
How do I become a REGULAR member of PALT?
Step 1: Eligibility Check
You must be:
One who is involved in teaching or development of language programs as a teacher, policy maker, administrator or supervisor and
One who pays the annual membership dues currently in effect. Regular membership lapses with nonpayment of the year’s annual dues, without prejudice to reinstatement to the same type of membership upon payment of the current annual fee and maintenance of the other conditions of membership.
Step 2: Payment
Please pay the registration fee of Php 500.00 through any PNB Branch:
PNB UP Campus Branch
Acct. Name: Philippine Association for Language Teaching, Inc.
Acct. No.: 108610068664
Step 3: Scanning of documents and emailing
Scan or take a clear picture of the deposit slip/receipt. For those depositing, take note of the transaction reference number of your deposit slip (see sample below). For other modes, have your receipt ready.
Step 4: Membership Application Form (MAF)
It is imperative that you fulfill steps 2 and 3 before proceeding to step 4.
Please fill out the MAF here:
Step 5: Wait for confirmation
Wait for the confirmation e-mail from the PALT Secretariat within 10 working days.
Please take note that in accordance to our PALT By-Laws, the membership will be from the month of May of the current year to May of the following year.