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How do I become a LIFETIME member of PALT?


Step 1: Eligibility Check


  1. He/she must be elected as a Board member and pays a lifetime membership as decided upon by the Board.

  2. He/she is entitled to vote and participate in all PALT, Inc. activities and enjoy its privileges.


Step 2: Payment


Once approved by the board, please pay the registration fee through any PNB Branch:


PNB UP Campus Branch

Acct. Name: Philippine Association for Language Teaching, Inc.

Acct. No.: 499592700016



Step 3: Scanning of documents


Scan or take a clear picture of the deposit slip/receipt. For those depositing, take note of the transaction reference number of your deposit slip (see sample below). For other modes, have your receipt ready.



Step 4: Membership Application Form (MAF)


It is imperative that you fulfill steps 2 and 3 before proceeding to step 4.


Please fill out the MAF here:



Step 5: E-mailing of documents


Email the required documents to with the subject "2017 MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION_Surname-FirstName" within 5 working days after filling out the online form. 



Step 6: Wait for confirmation


Wait for the confirmation e-mail from the PALT Secretariat within 10 working days.



Step 7: Verify details


Review your information via PALT-MTS by clicking this:

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