Philippine Association for Language Teaching, Inc.
An affiliate of the Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) and the Pan-Asian Consortium of Language Teaching Societies (PAC)
Founded in 1960
Philippine Journal for Language Teaching (PJLT)
The Philippine Journal for Language Teaching (PJLT) is the peer-reviewed journal of the Philippine Association for Language Teaching, Inc., the only organization in the Philippines officially affiliated with TESOL International and the Pan-Asian Consortium whose members include KOTESOL, JALT, MELTA, FELTA, and ThaiTESOL. PJLT publishes quantitative and qualitative research on contemporary theories, practices, and policies related to various topics that include but are not limited to language education, applied linguistics, language acquisition, curriculum design and teaching methods, literature education, language teacher education, professional development of language educators, materials development, assessment, action research, and innovative policies and practices in related fields. Articles published in the journal are in the process of applying for indexing and abstracting in the following: Open J-Gate, JournalTOCs, Google Scholar, InfoBase Index, Social Science Research Network, Open Academic Journals Index, and ejournals.ph. PJLT is published annually every December.
PJLT also encourages submissions on the following:
Developments and research in the country in relation to international frameworks (e.g., CEFR, PISA)
Distance language education
Online language learning and assessment
Emergency remote language learning
K to 12 English language education policies
K to 12 language and assessment reforms
Mother tongue-based multilingual education
Research on education related to BERA (Basic Education Research Agenda) on language education and curriculum/assessment/learning outcomes
Pre-service language teacher education
Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST) and language teacher education
Outcomes-based Education (OBE) and language education
Practices and action research in language education
Teaching foreign languages in the Philippines
1. The manuscript should be prepared and formatted using the latest edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association including levels of headings, citations, statistical and mathematical copies, tables and figures, and references. Articles that do not conform to the latest edition of the APA will be returned.
You may refer to the following links for the 7th edition of the APA style guide:
2. The manuscript should adhere to the following format:
The manuscript should be word-processed using Times New Roman as font style, size 12, in A4 format with line spacing set at 2.0 lines. There should not be spaces in between paragraphs. Space is provided only between headings.
The paper should be submitted in a single Microsoft Word document file. The article should not be divided into several Word files.
The margin on the left and right sides is 1.5 inches while top and bottom margins are 1 inch.
The paper should avoid using footnotes. If these cannot be avoided, the author should reconstruct the footnotes as endnotes found at the end of the manuscript.
The paper should be between 5,000 to 10,000 words including references, notes, tables, and figures.
3. The title page should contain the full name of the author, his/her institutional affiliation, country, e-mail address, and contact number. A one-paragraph (three to four sentences) bio profile of the author should also be provided on this page. The editor will be the one to remove the names for review.
4. The writing style should be academic, objective, and clear. The language of the paper can be either English or Filipino.
5. The manuscript should have the following parts:
Title: The title should be informative and should not exceed 15 words.
Abstract: The abstract should be informative, clear, and concise (between 150 and 250 words). The abstract should give essential background information and a summary of key results and their implications. It should be a standalone document that provides the readers condensed information from the research report.
Keywords: Provide four to six keywords that will help in searches for the article.
Body of the Manuscript: The main text should contain the following parts: Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion, and Conclusion.
Introduction: In writing the introduction of the paper, the author should follow the CARS (Create A Research Space) Model by Swales (1990). In this model, the author a) establishes a territory, b) establishes a niche, and c) occupies the niche. This model closely follows the “situation-problem-solution” structure of writing. The introduction should be able to provide the context, background, motivation, and aims of the work.
Method: This is an account of the process used in the research to produce the results. This section should provide adequate information for a competent researcher to reproduce the work. The author should describe the participants in the research, the methods and the procedure that were followed, the instruments that were employed, and the overall design of the research. The section should be written in the past tense since it describes what was done in the research. In addition, since the focus of this section is on the action done, the passive voice is acceptable here.
Results and Discussion: These sections are frequently combined. In writing this section, the author should be selective in terms of the data he/she will present. The paper should present only significant, representative findings. There are many ways to arrange the presentation of findings. It can be chronological, from most important to least important, from simplest to most complex, and many more. The discussion should explain the relationships between the findings and the paper’s assumptions, their relationship with the literature, and their broader implications.
Conclusion: The contents of this section should be succinct and clearly presented. This should explain the strengths and weaknesses of the work, its theoretical and practical implications, recommendations for improvement and future research, and its significance.
References: There should be a one-to-one correspondence between references cited in the body and the entries to the list of sources. This means that all cited sources must have entries to the list of sources and that all entries to such list must be cited in the body of the paper.
6. Tables and figures are interjected in the text where they are supposed to be found. Tables and figures should fit one page of a manuscript in portrait format (not landscape). If the tables and figures are long, place them in the appendix. If the text is enough to illustrate the results, there is no need to report the tables and figures.
7. The manuscript submitted to PJLT should not have been previously published and should not be under consideration for publication elsewhere.
8. Articles that do not conform to the guidelines will be returned.
Deadline of submission of papers: September 15, 2021
Peer-review; October 2021
Deadline of submission of the revised draft November 30, 2021
Publication: December 2021
Submission Page: https://bit.ly/PJLT21